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Sustainable is Attainable

Along with innovation and community, sustainability sits at the core of our kaupapa. 

Get with the Programme

We are proud to be the home for the Sustainable is Attainable programme in Hawke’s Bay.

Sustainable is Attainable (known in the industry as SiA) is an initiative that brings together food and beverage businesses to collaborate on shared sustainability priorities, such as minimising waste, establishing value-added, by-product pathways and investigating renewable energy options.

The programme has been running in Hawke’s Bay for more than three years, with the involvement of over 25 businesses, including some of the region’s largest food processors.

Key Objectives of SiA

The SiA programme has a number of strategic objectives.


Reduce burden on regional landfill and other waste management infrastructure.


Identify opportunities for adding value to waste streams within the region.


Enable businesses to improve profitability through extraction of value from waste streams as well as reduction in costs of waste disposal.


Assist businesses to address their sustainability issues, enabling them to be future-proof, competitive, and aligned with customer and consumer expectations.


Connect businesses with support such as funding or expertise to enable them to upskill and innovate leading to the development of regional experience and expertise in sustainability. 


Create clusters that bring businesses together around a shared, non-competitive challenge, with the probability that other opportunities to collaborate will be identified.

Interested in joining us?

If you would like to join one of our working groups, or you are interested in establishing a working group for your sector of the food and beverage industry, then please get in touch.

How will SiA achieve its objectives?

The following four pillars guide the SiA programme.  


Develop and coordinate working groups that meet industry needs


Manage and develop specific projects that are deemed to be of value to the industry


Deliver in-person and online events and training opportunities 


Host/supervise students working on innovative projects under the SiA umbrella

Our Working Groups

There are currently two working groups in Hawke’s Bay.

Petfood and Meat

Fruit & Vege Processors