Today, Foodeast Haumako officially opened its doors in Hawke’s Bay, marking an important milestone in Aotearoa’s food innovation journey – to be New Zealand’s driver of the development of innovative products to take to the world.
Special guests Regional Development Minister Shane Jones, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Chair Hinewai Ormsby, Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst, Central Hawke’s Bay Mayor Alex Walker and Ngati Kahungunu Chair Bayden Barber were among the gathering of about 80 from across a broad spectrum, from business to iwi to government, reflecting the strong support for the facility and its kaupapa.
A hub for collaboration and supporting the development of innovative food, beverage and agri-tech systems, Foodeast Haumako is charged with raising GDP, creating jobs and supporting primary industry across Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti. Construction of the facility was completed in July, with tenants and services already in place by the opening.
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst congratulated the Foodeast Haumako team for achieving success in just a few short months. “What a fantastic result. This is a world class facility, positioned to foster a positive step change in our food and beverage industry.”

Richard Shirtcliffe, a director of Foodeast Haumako, shared the vision for the initiative.
“Today we may be cutting the ribbon on a facility, but Foodeast Haumako isn’t a building. It’s a mission to transform food systems in this country: how we harness and deploy the many generations of food IP that we have in this country, and how we scale it to the world.
“The goal is simultaneously simple yet highly ambitious: to feed the future of Aotearoa by becoming the catalyser of commercially successful food innovation in New Zealand by 2030.” — Richard Shirtcliffe, Director of Foodeast Haumako
Chair of the board Nicky Solomon underscored the importance of regional leadership and working together. “Our region will contribute to the Government’s goal of doubling exports by 2030 by adding more value to what we grow and leveraging the collective strength of Hawke’s Bay businesses and talent.”
Against the backdrop of global food demand expected to increase by over 70 per cent by 2050, Foodeast Haumako is committed to expanding on New Zealand’s history of protein innovation, combined with centuries of mātauranga Māori, to help shape the future of food.
Foodeast Haumako represents the beginning of an ongoing journey. Realising its full potential will require a united regional vision and continuous collaboration. Dr Solomon highlighted the importance of teamwork. “What we do, we do as a team.”
“We know that our region will make a meaningful contribution to the Government’s goal . . . We grow beautiful food, create amazing things from that food, and have myriad smart and sophisticated businesses that support and contribute to agri-industry. We will achieve the Government’s goal by innovating and creating more value from what we grow, by harnessing all of our regional talent and collaborating to improve productivity and profitability.”

Special guest Minister Jones was thanked for his unwavering support for regional development, particularly through Kānoa and the Provincial Growth Fund. He unveiled a plaque commemorating the official opening, symbolising the collective commitment to innovation and sustainability.